Volume Rendering using GPGPU

Volume Rendering using GPGPU

Traditional 3D computer graphics focus on rendering the exterior of objects. Volume rendering is a technique used to visualize information corresponding to the interior of an object, commonly used in medical imaging and other fields. Visualization of such data may be accomplished by ray casting; similar to ray tracing. Rendering each pixel can be done in parallel, so massively parallel architectures like GPGPU can dramatically speed up rendering.

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Volume Rendering on the PSP

Volume Rendering on the PSP

I’ve long been active in PSP development and decided to have some fun with graphics on the PSP. I asked my university to order two PSP dev systems and I got to work porting my ray tracer to the PSP. As a team effort with three other graphics enthusiasts, we decided to accelerate hypertexturing on the PSP using the VFPU. We ended up with a ray tracer, hypertexturer, and volume ray caster working on the PSP capable of displaying a 64x64x64 voxel volume.

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This code is branched from the Ray Tracer code, with the perlin noise function added and the hit function and normal calculations for the volume of noise/density.

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