Fez Viewer is a tool that can load the models and levels from Fez, and allow you to freely inspect and fly through them. It currently supports loading individual art objects, animation sets, and even entire levels.
[Read More]Sharing Resources Between DirectX and OpenGL

I’ve recently had a need to simultaneously render using both DirectX and OpenGL. With this technique it is possible to efficiently perform some rendering operations within one API for part of an image, and switch to the other API for another part of the image. It can also be used to perform all rendering in a specific API, while presenting that final render target using another API. Providing direct access to graphics memory between APIs allows efficient and optimal sharing.
[Read More]Signed Distance Fields – Part 1

Signed Distance Fields, when used in computer graphics, is a way of mathematically defining a scene, which can be both greatly compressed, and scale to any resolution. There’s a truly excellent presentation by iq of rgba (Iñigo Quilez) posted on his website http://www.iquilezles.org which he presented at nvscene back in 2008 called “Rendering Worlds with Two Triangles”. Other powerful examples were presented by smash of fairlight (Matt Swaboda) at GDC earlier this year http://directtovideo.wordpress.com. This is my first expermientation with this rendering technique.
[Read More]First Graphics Project

My very first graphics project. It’s written in C, and uses old fixed-function OpenGL and GLUT. The code is pretty sloppy as most first attempts go. There are a few interactive elements to this project, with the box spreading apart and interesting use of blending. As the transparent surfaces occlude other geometry, the geometry “disappears” and shapes are revealed inside the formerly opaque geometry.
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