Volume Rendering using GPGPU

Volume Rendering using GPGPU

Traditional 3D computer graphics focus on rendering the exterior of objects. Volume rendering is a technique used to visualize information corresponding to the interior of an object, commonly used in medical imaging and other fields. Visualization of such data may be accomplished by ray casting; similar to ray tracing. Rendering each pixel can be done in parallel, so massively parallel architectures like GPGPU can dramatically speed up rendering.

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Volume Rendering on the PSP

Volume Rendering on the PSP

I’ve long been active in PSP development and decided to have some fun with graphics on the PSP. I asked my university to order two PSP dev systems and I got to work porting my ray tracer to the PSP. As a team effort with three other graphics enthusiasts, we decided to accelerate hypertexturing on the PSP using the VFPU. We ended up with a ray tracer, hypertexturer, and volume ray caster working on the PSP capable of displaying a 64x64x64 voxel volume.

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This code is branched from the Ray Tracer code, with the perlin noise function added and the hit function and normal calculations for the volume of noise/density.

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First Graphics Project

First Graphics Project

My very first graphics project. It’s written in C, and uses old fixed-function OpenGL and GLUT. The code is pretty sloppy as most first attempts go. There are a few interactive elements to this project, with the box spreading apart and interesting use of blending. As the transparent surfaces occlude other geometry, the geometry “disappears” and shapes are revealed inside the formerly opaque geometry.

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